Himalayan Pink Salt </brBenefits and Uses

from a certified salt lamp company

All About

Himalayan Pink Salt
Uses & Applications

Although different salt varieties are available, Himalayan Pink Salt is quite popular. Himalayan salt is rock salt directly mined from the Punjab region of Pakistan. Its popularity is based on the health benefits that people can expect to receive it. Let’s look a little deeper to look at what Himalayan Salt is and explore the uses that bring comfort to our lives.

Let’s talk about pink salt uses a bit deeper!

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 1

What is Himalayan Pink Salt?

Unique Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt

The Himalayan Pink salt is a distinctive and unique variant of salt. It’s a unique décor and a healthier mineral. We mine this salt from the foothills of the Himalayan Salt Mountains in Pakistan. Just to remind you that the Pink salt comes only from Pakistan.

Its pinkish tint is due to the trace minerals. People use pink salt as a food additive to replace refined and processed table salt. Cooking, food presentation, food additive, decorative salt lamps, and spa treatments are the major uses and applications of this great Himalayan Pink Salt.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 2

Chemical Composition of Pink Salt

Himalayan Pink Salt NaCl

Well, the chemical composition of Himalayan pink salt is quite similar to ordinary table salt. Almost, more than 98% of Himalayan Salt is made out of sodium chloride (NaCl). However, the rest of the pink salt consists of trace minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals are responsible for delivering health benefits. Also, these trace minerals actually deliver a pinkish tint to salt as well.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 3

Why does the body need salt?

Pink Salt Consumption

To most people, salt is nothing but an ingredient in their daily food and special dishes. But that’s not the only function salt performs. Salt doesn’t only add flavor to food. And its function is not limited only to preserving our food and dishes.

The body needs salt, it’s a necessity and it plays an important role in helping your body function well.

Our body needs salt (sodium chloride) to conduct & transmit nerve impulses and contract & relax muscle fibers. Salt also maintains the proper fluid (water and minerals) balance in the body.

Here we go with the Himalayan salt. This salt improves and enhances the transmission of nerve impulses. Also, it is more natural salt for preserving foods!

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 4

How to use Himalayan Pink Salt?

Himalayan Pink Salt Effectiveness

Well, there are several uses and applications of Himalayan pink salt, and we can divide them into several dietary and non-dietary uses.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 5

Dietary Uses:

Although people know the dietary uses of salt, let’s remind us in a few words. 

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 6

Eat or Cook With It

Although our body needs salt for proper nerve functions but not beyond the limits set by nature. And nature gives knowledge to mankind for proper usage of His blessings!

Generally, you can prepare your dishes with Himalayan salt just like you would with regular table salt or say normal salt.

But too much pink salt in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Loss of calcium may also take place.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 7

Salt Sources:

Salt or Pink salt (sodium) is not a nutrient that you need to look for, it finds you! Any unprocessed food like fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, whole grains, and dairy foods are all low in sodium.

On the other hand, a major portion of the salt in our diets comes from commercially prepared or baked foods. Not from the salt added at home. No matter whether preparing the food at home or salt at the dinner table.

The top ten (10) sources of salt in our diets include slices of bread/rolls; burritos; tacos; pizza; sandwiches; soups; cold cuts/cure4۔ d meats; savory snacks (chips, popcorns, crackers); chicken; chees; eggs; omelets.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 8

Amount of Salt in Our Diets:

Most people consume at least 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day, or about 3400 mg of salt, which is far more than our body needs. Whereas, it is estimated that our body needs about 500 mg of pink salt daily for the best transmission of nerve impulses and other vital body functions.

Note that sodium can vary among different salt brands, so check the Nutrition Facts before using. The approximate amount of sodium in 1 teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt is 2,200 mg.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 9

Salt Cooking Slab

As a new trend, some people use Himalayan salt as a cooking surface. We make and supply large salt blocks (salt slabs) to use for grilling, searing, and imparting a salty flavor to meats and other foods. Bottom line is that Himalayan pink salt is a great choice for adding flavor to fish, poultry, vegetables, etc.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 10

Non-Dietary Uses

Uses of Natural Pink Salt

Although Himalayan salt can add flavor to your dishes and it can also preserve food, remember, it has also several non-dietary uses.

Teeth CleaningAdd Pink salt to the baking soda with a ratio of 1:2 respectively. That will become homemade toothpaste.

Extending the shelf life of Regular Milk. Add a tiny pinch of pink salt to regular milk. That will keep the milk fresher for longer. However, be careful that this will also increase the sodium level in milk, so discard this use if you’re a sodium caretaker!

Rust Removing. Himalayan salt is a great way to remove rust. Just apply a layer of salt and lemon juice to a rusty thing. Scrub over the thing. Let it stay on the item for at least an hour. Rinse and dry. You are all set!

Stains Removing. Sprinkle Himalayan salt on the carpet or anywhere you see stains or dirt spots. Then, wash the area with soap or surf. You may also apply this tip to remove stains from cups, and grease from pans or the oven!

Deter ants with pink salt. Sprinkle small amounts of pink salt around window sills, doorways, and balconies to make your sweat house an ant-free living.

Kill unwanted grass and weeds. Sprinkle Himalayan pink salt between the openings or cracks on concrete or your patio. That will stop unwanted grass and weeds from growing.

Exfoliate skin. Use a pink salt massage stone as a salt scrub to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells on the face, feet, legs, etc.

Detox Feet with Himalayan Salt Bath. Mix 1/8 cup of Himalayan salt crystals in a small tub of warm water. Then, simply submerge your tired feet in the pink salt solution for 20 minutes. You will feel instant relief!

Help soothe a sore throat. Similarly, add ¼ teaspoon of the Himalayan salt to ½ cup of warm water. Gargle the pink saltwater mixture to relieve a sore throat.

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Pink Salt Uses - Note 11

We are a Himalayan Pink Salt Exporter

Well, we are an experienced and reliable manufacturer & exporter of this great Himalayan pink salt. Pink table salt, curing salt, cooking salt slabs, small & large salt rocks, salt lamps, candleholders, salt inhalers, salt baskets, aromatherapy salt lamps, and dozens of more Himalayan salt products are always in the pipelines.

Demaro Salt was established in 2002. Our main focus as a salt exporter is to supply the right product to the right market on time. As a Himalayan salt manufacturer, we know our products well.

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Bottom Line

The Himalayan pink salt is a great choice for adding flavor to your dishes, soothing your tired body, and getting your house an ants-free living! And, you can also get export quality at affordable prices from us!

We know our pink salt is the perfect match for your salt business!

Best Regards,

Demaro Salt Team

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