Himalayan Salt Lamp
Questions Answers


Frequently Asked Questions

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Well, we tried to answer most of the common questions in this ‘Himalayan salt lamp questions answers’ section. These are the salt lamp questions that we frequently receive from the customers and also they look for the answers on the internet.

Typically the Himalayan salt lamp is a non-traditional and ultra-natural decor item. People are using it as an air purifier. A salt lamp is beneficial to one’s health and overall well-being. While science is still researching these claims, these natural light fixtures make an interesting addition to a home.

Well, this is very interesting to know how to make these salt lamps. Let me say in short that there is no manufacturing process. We just craft a piece of salt rock either by hand or in a lathe machine. Then hook up a few items to this salt rock and bring up a salt lamp.

Thus, the better we can say is how to assemble a salt lamp. Why not manufacturing? Because, we apply the term manufacturing most commonly to industrial production, in which we transform raw materials into finished goods.

Typically, a salt lamp can either be a large salt rock that fits on a base. That salt rock can be in any shape possible to craft by hand or in a lathe machine. Sometimes we use handy tools to craft the salt rock into the desired shape. Then, this large salt rock usually has part of the center carved out to make room for a light bulb.

But, the basket style simply places the small chunks around and on top of the light source. That’s what a salt lamp usually looks like! And, in a result, it purifies and cleanses the air when the heat comes in contact with the salt rock.

Okay, another great question, do Himalayan salt lamps deteriorate with time when it comes to their size, color, shape, or weight? What about their ionizing powers?

The answer is NO. You just need to treat your Himalayan salt lamps with care. They will not have any effect on their size, color, shape, weight, and ionizing prowess.


Although we hope these will be of some help, if not please don’t hesitate to ask us. As a manufacturer and exporter of salt lamps, it’s our job to provide the best answer.

Himalayan Salt Blogger at Demaro Salt
Salt is Not Just a Necessity!

Benefits & Uses

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Sellers, including us, of these decorative pieces, say they do more than light up a room. They claim that salt lamps can boost mood, improve sleep, ease allergies, help people with asthma breathe better, and clean the air, among other benefits.

Above all, the major benefits of Himalayan salt lamps include:

  • Reduce stress and fatigue
  • Improve concentration and focus
  • Help in reducing the symptoms of sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies, asthma, and other respiratory health issues
  • Mitigate the effects caused by SAD (Season Affected Disorder) and other mood-related problems
  • Provide relief from migraines & other types of a headache
  • Enhance the environment quality by reducing the positive ions, pollution, bacteria & viruses present in the air.

First of all, it’s not rocket science to use a Himalayan salt lamp. Just plug in the lamp and turn the switch on and you find the lamp UP & Running. A piece of cake? Isn’t it?!

Second, all of these salt lamp question answers are making the picture clearer that how to use this great wonder of nature.

No, it’s not a compulsion to keep your Himalayan salt lamp turned on all the time. However, for the best results, we recommend that you should keep the salt lamp running for the maximum period of time. By doing so, it cleans and ionizes the environment throughout the day and night. But, you should not leave your Himalayan salt lamp running if you are:

  • Not going to be present in the room for a longer period of time
  • Leaving the house for a considerable amount of time
  • Also, leaving the salt lamp unattended for quite a long period.
  • You may also read a separate article on how we can use a salt lamp to reap the full benefits of this winder or nature!

All right. Enjoy your beautiful salt lamp. Want to know more? Keep reading this and other salt lamp question-answer sections.

Well, this is a greatly valued salt lamp-related question.

Doesn’t matter, you may keep your salt lamp turned on the whole night while sleeping. But, on the other hand, like any other electrical device, it is not recommended to leave the salt lamp turned on unattended for a longer period of time.

However, it is very beneficial to keep the salt lamp turned on while sleeping. And it is one of the most effective ways to reap the full benefits of a Himalayan Salt Lamp while staying at home. As a result, this will keep your bedroom’s environment clean and soothing with an aroma that’s similar to a thunderstorm.

Moreover, the Himalayan salt lamp emits negative ions that purify the air and refresh the body. It also keeps the mood calm and relaxes so you can enjoy a deep & comfortable slumber

Okay, don’t stop here. The next salt lamp question answer is relevant to this one. So keep reading on…

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We Manufacture and Export Pink Salt!

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As an exporter of Himalayan Salt Lamps from Pakistan, we are growing and expanding. We are striving to become more competitive based on 4 solid factors:

  • We understand the Premium Quality of Himalayan Salt
  • We know which salt rocks are suited best for Salt Lamps
  • Our craftsmen understand the handcrafting skills
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