Himalayan Salt Licks for Horses
from a certified salt lamp company
All About
Salt Licks for Horses & Livestock
Himalayan salt licks are mineral-rich salt blocks for horses and other livestock. If there is one thing horses love—and absolutely need—it is a salt lick. However, many salt licks that horse lovers find on the market are incredibly expensive, heavy, have been baked to lose all minerals and nutrients, or simply can be too easily bitten.
Table of Contents
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 1
Strength of Salt Licks
The wonderful thing about Himalayan salt that has been mined from some of the best mines in the foothills of the Himalayas is that it is rock solid. It takes incredible miner strength and special tools to wrench these solid rocks of healthy salt blocks from the earth—and no horse can chew through these bricks.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 2
Mineral Rich Salt Licks
Additionally, instead of the baked, hard bricks of regular salt, those who care about what their horses are ingesting will rest easy knowing they are being given the equivalent of healthy vitamins with each salt lick. The salt we use is premium Himalayan pink salt, which contains a wealth of health-boosting vitamins and minerals that have accumulated over the centuries.
Thus, choose to give your horse the very best—for a low price by taking a look at some of our premium Himalayan salt licks for horses and other livestock.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 3
Horses Can’t Bite
Our sturdy, all-natural Himalayan salt licks provide the hardness you need to ensure your horses won’t bite through the healthy salt licks, and all the benefits of the mineral-rich Himalayan foothill salt that we specialize in.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 4
Himalayan Salt Licks on a Rope!
Our Himalayan salt lick comes on a thick rope so you can hang it with ease and is built with the strength of horses in mind. In a word—these are durable!
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 5
Variety of Weights
Our rock-solid and nutrient-rich horse salt licks come in a variety of weights. Please notice that the weights vary. Since you’re getting raw, pure natural Himalayan salt licks that has been mined directly from the source, the weight can vary from block to block. become brittle and then shatter. There are white Himalayan salt lamps, but they are rare and expensive.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 6
Salt Licks make Horses Drink More
Salt Licks make horses drink more water simply because licking the salt causes them to drink more water. And it’s always good for your horses to drink plenty of water, so they don’t get dehydrated as easily. Salt Licks give them the salt they may be lacking from food or their genetic makeup. Also, without any salt licks or salt blocks the horses will not be getting the nutrients they need. You may read more on what are salt licks & Salt Blocks?
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 7
Himalayan Salt Licks
Loose Pink Salt
On the other hand, some horses cannot lick a salt block nearly as efficiently as other horse do. So we need to use salt licks and salt blocks as a constant backup, but we also need to put out a few tablespoons of loose pink salt per horse each day. Horse owners mostly give salt in the summer and winter this way, and it works well. So, you can buy bags of loose pink salt in the form of Himalayan Coarse Ground salt at the best affordable and competitive price.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 8
Horses need
more access to the Salt
Horse need more salt than other trace minerals. If your horse is out all day and in a stall at night, then there should be a salt lick or salt block in the field, and one in the stall next to the water trough. The horses in the loose shed may use a salt lick in the hay manger and the others have the ‘bricks’ in their mangers. This way, the horse will have more access to the salt. Remember, some horses prefer the salt bricks and others prefer the chunks of rock salt. Anyways, if they are outside a lot and sweat it helps replenish them. So that is proved that the horses need more access to the salt.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 9
Salt Licks are good
So, the Salt Licks are good for horses, because they are vital since horses need free choice access to salt all year long. These salt licks are good in that they provide salt without dissolving quickly in the rain, they don’t blow away as loose salt does, and some horses enjoy licking them. There are also healthy and funny benefits of Himalayan salt blocks and salt licks.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 10
We Make & Export Salt Licks
We make and export Himalayan salt licks and blocks and other hundreds of pink salt products. Not only manufacturing but the affordable export price is a distinct factor we stand out of the crowd! So, you be confident in contacting us for your next salt licks supplier.
Salt Lamp Color Note No. 11
Final Words
Himalayan salt licks are rock-solid, vitamins & mineral rich, easy-to-hang and transportable salt blocks. These salt licks make horses drink more water simply because licking the salt causes them to drink more water. And it’s always good for your horses to drink plenty of water, so they don’t get dehydrated as easily.
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